Project Manager

Yousha Khan

Seasoned Sales Leader with over two decades of proven experience, and the focus towards developing and nurturing strong customer relationships.
  • +971-58-6900767


Yousha is the Project Manager of the rightly managed, company that is playing a major role in IT solutions and services with an impeccable record in project management and delivery.

A goal-getter, a team player, and someone who takes initiative in getting things done in an efficient manner. A believer in  “Doing Things Right The First Time.”

Resourceful professional, I am an expert in driving client engagement with strategic, large cooperate, and SME clients. I help companies in adapting to sustainable transformation approach, by advising innovative digital solutions to drive their business growth.

Professional Skills

Software Development 80%
Graphic Design 74%
JavaScript 89%
Web Development 90%
Cyber Security 84%